A Gift from A Good Friend in Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas.

The wrapped chocolate figure of Saint Nicholas.


Do you know Saint Nicholas? Since I was a kid in Indonesia, I only knew “Sinterklas” as Saint Nicholas who always brings a lot of gifts for children on Christmas Day.

Last week, I have got a gift from colleague in class. He gave me a special gift due to Saint Nicholas day. In Germany we known “der Heilige Nikolaus” or “der Nikolaustag” that aimed to celebrate Saint Nicholas in traditionally Catholic Church over the most Catholic region, Bavarian. The characters of Saint Nicholas is identified as Santa Claus who always brings gifts to good person during Christmas season.

This custom happening in Germany is on 6th December that festives Saint Nicholas through giving a gift to good friends or colleagues. What do they give commonly? The most they give you ‘something sweet’ such as chocolate. That’s why you can find many chocolates in figure of Saint Nicholas in supermarket recently. The other options, they may give special gift that happened to me last week.

According to the legend in Bavaria, children put the wishing letter that contains something gift on their socks or shoes. They believe Saint Nicolas will respond to meet up their wishing when they behave as good kids. I have no idea that could be associated with giving a gift to good friends or colleagues.

In my paper gift, I have got a wrapped chocolate figure of Saint Nicholas and novel in Deutsch word. I figured out this good friend really known that I am still learning deutsch as Germany language. Unfortunatelly, I didn’t give him a gift because I have no idea regarding Saint Nicholas Day. As I knew, I will give a gift later on Christmas day to certain and special person such as spouse, family and best friends.

So, do you have any experiences in connecting with Santa Claus? Share your idea in comments!

11 thoughts on “A Gift from A Good Friend in Nicholas Day

  1. Anna.
    According to my words time ago, you’re a lucky woman in Spanish mujer con estrella (special woman) and Nikolas has miracles 😉😉😉🙈🙈🙈
    Nikolas has petty details with goodie people more than exquisite bust in chocolate, it’s a day of value mankind and no special in Spain as Santa on 24 and three kings on 6 Jan
    I did receive all presents on Santa cos if you was receiving on 6 Jan you go back to school and bye presents

    Enjoy your present… Germany language was impossible to me through years… i’ain’t a perfect☺️☺️☺️

    Anna have got new Nikolas friend… she ‘s VIP

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey David,

      Thanks for being my nice friend😜 I really didn’t know why he gave me hahahaha… Yes, I learn Deutsch now. A special coffee for you☕

      Have a blessed day🌲😇


    2. I’m accepting this cup of coffee ☕️ from you and you could be a muse for him, or secret admirers… this world is like a chocolate box and sweet as you 😉😉😉👍👍👍😘😘 enjoy deutsch lessons …

      Liked by 1 person

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